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Total area:
22,963 km2
331,900 (2012)
148 km
Belize (formerly British Honduras until the name of the country was changed in 1973) lies on the eastern or Caribbean coast of Central America, bounded on the north and part of the west by Mexico, and on the south and the remainder of the west by Guatemala. The inner coastal waters are shallow and are sheltered by a line of coral reefs, dotted with islets called cayes', extending almost the entire length of the country.
There is a low coastal plain, much of it covered with mangrove swamp, but the land rises gradually towards the interior.The Maya Mountains and the Cockscomb Range form the backbone of the southern half of the country, the highest point being Victoria Peak (3,669 feet) in the Cockscomb Range. The Cayo District in the west includes the Mountain Pine Ridge, ranging from 305 to around 914 metres above sea level. The northem districts contain considerable areas of low tableland. There are many rivers, some of them navigable for short distances by shallow-draught vessels. A large part of the mainland is forest.
By definition there is no true rainforest in Belize; however, the quantity of rainfall is only slightly insufficient. Instead, the country is decorated with broadleaf jungle and cohune forest termed "moist tropical forest". This forest, savanna wetlands and the Mayan Mountain areas of the country is habitat for an incredible variety of fauna.
Basic country statistics (2014)
(from http://www.preventionweb.net/countries/blz/data/)
More statistical information is available from: http://data.worldbank.org/country/belize
Population |
people |
331,900 |
Urban |
% Total population |
44.298 |
Rural |
% Total population |
55.702 |
Urban population growth |
% Annual |
1.944 |
Population density |
People / km2 |
14.6 |
GDP (Gross Domestic Product) |
Million US$ |
1,604.50 |
GDP per capita |
Million US$ |
4,893.93 |
Capital stock |
Million US$ |
5,994 |
GFCF (Gross Fixed Capital Formation) |
Million US$ |
218.1 |
Social Expenditure |
Million US$ |
200 |
Gross Savings |
Million US$ |
200.097 |
Total reserves |
Million US$ |
402.752 |
Nationally Reported Losses 1999 - 2014
Natural disaster impact (2014)
(from http://www.preventionweb.net/countries/blz/data/)
5-year moving average 2005-2010 |
Extensive [%] |
Intensive [%] |
DataCards |
20.2 |
100 |
0 |
Deaths |
1 |
100 |
0 |
House destroyed |
5.2 |
100 |
0 |
House damaged |
454.4 |
100 |
0 |
Injured people |
1 |
100 |
0 |
Displaced people |
143 |
100 |
0 |
Combined economic loss (US$) |
337,644,373.80 |
100 |
0 |
Probabilistic risk results. Average Annual Loss (AAL) by hazard
(from http://www.preventionweb.net/countries/blz/data/)
Hazard |
Absolute |
Capital |
Social |
Total |
Gross |
[Million US$] |
stock[%] |
[%] |
exp[%] |
Reserves [%] |
Savings [%] |
Earthquake |
2.95 |
0.049 |
1.353 |
1.475 |
0.732 |
1.474 |
Wind |
28.15 |
0.47 |
12.907 |
14.079 |
6.989 |
14.068 |
Storm Surge |
15.36 |
0.256 |
7.043 |
7.682 |
3.814 |
7.676 |
Flood |
47.27 |
0.789 |
21.674 |
23.642 |
11.737 |
23.624 |
Multi-Hazard |
93.73 |
1.564 |
42.976 |
46.878 |
23.272 |
46.842 |
Download the World Bank GFDRR Country Report for Belize
Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2015
Click the image to download the report for Belize.